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No plans availableOnce there are plans available for purchase, you’ll see them here.

Fully Paid UKCL Season 3 Memberships:


Play all UKCL events - You can play all UKCL events.


Earn full ranking points - You can earn full order of merit point depending on your tournament progress.​


Win trophies/prizes - You have the opportunity to win trophies and prizes at events.


Earn prize money - Prize money for UKCL Events  will be determined on an event-by-event basis subject to sponsorships of the UKCL.  Adult full paying members are eligible only for any prize money. 


​Entry to events -Anyone that wishes to play in Season 3 of the UKCL must have a valid membership. Event entry fees for UKCL members will be priced at £20 for adults (over 16). Under 16's (Juniors) will be £10 Entry. 


UKCL Pro -  To become a UKCL recognised Pro player this is earned on merit. The top 10 players that have earned the most ranking points at the end of Season 3 will be awarded Pro Status and this will be valid for the following 2 seasons.

Note, this is for points earned in Season 3 only and not including points earned in previous seasons. 





You must be 16+ years old to receive winnings/earnings from the league.


Membership fees only include the 2024 / 2025 UKCL Season 3

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